The man has been interested in photography from the beginning of time. From the cave paintings to Egyptian’s pyramid’s walls to the current era where selfies are as important as breathing. People take pictures every two seconds. Today the photography craze has reached its peak. Everyone assumes he/she is a photographer. The professional photographer still holds a good reputation.

Photography is not just a way to documents moments it has turned into art. The key characteristic of an artist is creativity. A photographer is an artist that thrives on creativity. A photographer is not a painter, who just paint a picture solely from his imagination, he captures an ordinary moment and makes it art. 

Around the year 1800, a British inventor, Thomas Wedwood took the first photography with the help of a camera. He succeeded in taking the shadows of the object in sunlight. Photography was commercially introduced in 1839, a date generally accepted as the birth of practical photography.

The traits of a good photographer are:

  • Passion

  • Knowledge

  • Creativity

  • Ambition

  • Business aptitude

  • Keen observation skills

  • Communication skills

  • Technical skills

  • Hand to eye coordination

All these traits differentiate between a good photographer and a want-to-be photographer. The master of these traits is called a professional photographer and is good at his work.

There are many different types of photography nowadays for example:

  • Food photography: for good photography the traits that come to mind are:
  1. Good lighting:  shot the food just as you’ll shoot anyother still life object.
  2. Pros : pay attention not only to food itself but the plate or bowl that it is in
  3. Be quick: food doesn’t remain appetising for long.
  4. Enhance it: make the food shine
  5. Make sure that steam is rising of the food.
  • Lifestyle photography: it aims to capture people in motion. It is an art that not everyone can master. There are some tips on it:
  • Plan: it is as necessary as the candid photo that you aim for in lifestyle photography.
  • Entertain the kids.
  • -Find the perfect balance.
  1. Portrait photography: it is the type of photography of a person or a group of people that shows their personality by using lighting, backdrop and poses.
  2. Landscaping photography: it captures the presence of nature, sometimes the man-made disturbances.
  3. Product/catalogue photography includes food, fashion and everyday products like groceries etc.

Photography is a way of keeping the memory. Your visual memories should be meaningful. Don’t shoot what it look likes, shoot what it feels like. A professional photographer masters all the types of photography.