What are carbon steel fittings

Carbon steel fittings are made of carbon steel specifically. According to American iron institute, steel is carbon steel when there is no minimum content related to cobalt, chromium, niobium, nickel, molybdenum, titanium, zirconium and tungsten. The steel is carbon steel when the content of carbon doesn't go above 0.40 percent.

This steel is named to be carbon steel when carbon is the only alloying component. Most of the steel in the world is carbon steel.

What are the carbon steel pipe fitting types?

Carbon steel pipe fittings suppliers in UAE

The different types are classified as per the carbon content added to the iron-base element.

  • High ultra carbon steel is 1%-2% carbon
  • Carbon high steel contains .60%-.99%
  • Carbon medium steel contains .30%-.59%
  • Carbon low steel contains .16%-.29%
  • Carbon mild steel contains .05%-.15%

The rule of the thumb is more the carbon percentage more strong and hard the steel is. However, the ductility of carbon is decreased.

Advantages of using carbon steel pipe fittings?

Carbon steel pipe fittings are very good in use and have the following benefits such as:

  • Shock resistance. Carbon steel pipe fittings are strong enough to observe vibrations shocks.
  • Safety. Carbon steel pipe fittings are very safe to use and work. They are treated with glues, preservatives, and pesticides like other materials to protect them.
  • Tensile strength. Carbon steel pipe fittings are strong enough to withstand great pressures just like other material pipes. But they are cost-effective at the same time.

Some applications of carbon steel pipe fittings

The applications of carbon steel pipe fittings are as follow:

  • Transportation. Carbon steel fittings being shockproof make them suitable for water pipes and main beneath the roads which are more prone to vibrations and shocks because of heavy traffic.
  • Homes. Carbon steel pipe fittings are very safe to use at home as they are not treated with any glue, pesticides, and chemicals. Being prone to fire, it can withstand tornados, hurricanes, and lightning.

ANBI Solutions


Some great features of carbon steel pipe fittings are as follow:

1. Super Strength

Carbon steel pipes are known for their strength and durability and that's why to use in construction and industrial piping. Overall, by adding carbon to other elements makes the product stronger. Moreover, the heating process makes it stronger without affecting the shape. Thus in this way carbon steel fittings are very strong and durable. In order to have such fittings, contact carbon steel pipe fitting suppliers in UAE- ANBI Solutions

2. Endurance

Carbon steel pipe fittings have the property of endurance as they can withstand environmental change and have long product life. They are best for home and commercial purpose. In-house, they are best to use in water, steam, oil, and flame. Moreover, it doesn't require much cleaning being rust resistant. They are also best to use in shipbuilding, electrical plants, and construction.